Trepanation Records No. 03: THE-Aghora In Spain. FREE DOWNLOAD!!!

The Home Explosions (THE)
Aghora In Spain
Trepanation Records
No. 03
November 2010

Originally recorded in an old warehouse in 2009, produced by Inroads Volva & The Home Explosions, this lost gem is destined to shine on the darkness of Monterrey greatest forgotten records, a true classic underground recording that belongs to the bleakest underground recordings ever!!!!

"The band was so happy with the reissue, that they handed me some other recordings for mixing, I guess we will be releasing them soon!, Birminghman in England was an industrial, bleak city, and had Black Sabbath and Napalm Death, Monterrey, Mèxico is an industrial bleak city and has THE"
IV 2010


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