History Ends, and Begins Again

History Ends, and Begins Again

By: Erreh Svaia

A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.”
Fidel Castro

I hardly believe in chance, things happen for a reason, Donald Trump, the man who wants to build a wall in the México-USA border, was declared winner of the USA elections in November 9; in November 9, but back in the year 1989, a wall came down in Europe, in cruelly divided Berlin, a symbol of unification between a divided city, a divided country and a divided world, nowadays, while Donald Trump rises today as symbol of division within a country and within the modern world, political scientist Francis Fukuyama called the 1989 events "the end of history", but the story seems to cross path now with Samuel Huntington's theory of the "clash of civilizations", Fukuyama declaration has lost perhaps some accuracy, but at the same time it recovers a certain relevance these days. 

Fidel Castro Ruz, the great leader of the Cuban Revolution and the single most notorious political figure in Latin America in the 20th century, left Mexico, via Tuxpan, Veracruz, along with 81 partners who shared his vision, a romantic and risky one, in a small boat called Granma, Fidel and the others started a trip to Cuba with the firm ideal of starting a revolution in order to overthrow the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, it was an almost suicidal mission, it might sound nowadays like the sort of story inspired by Spartan tales, it inspired while generations to start revolutions all over the so called "third world", the Cuban Revolution had its romantic charisma, but it also proved to be a failure at last, a revolution launched that November 25,in order to overthrow a dictator, and shall we say, in order to install a new dictatorship, on that still seems to survive its creator, in November 25, 60 years later with the dead of Fidel.

History seems to be giving us some contradictory signals, one about rising attacks on democracy, and one about the demise of the longest running dictator, on about the end of democracy, and the death of an enemy of it, one about the rise of right wing totalitarianism and one about the left wing dictatorships, on about the death of the old Cold War and one about the beginning of a new one. 

Ideologically, Fukuyama was wrong, as Cuba socialist dictatorship continued creating history, it didn't end there, there was the left wing revolt waiting to happen in Latin America, initiated by Castro's pupils Lula Da Silva and Hugo Chavez, and the Neo Chavismo in Southern Europe, starred by Alexis Tsipras and Pablo Iglesias, conceptually, Fukuyama was right, now with the death of Fidel, as socialism last true symbolic figure, one part of history is definitely ending, and a new chapter is about to begin, perhaps is about left wing totalitarianism ending and right wing totalitarianism beginning, in the end, this is about humanity constant struggle for freedom, and the despots' mad desire to seize power.


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