The Nationalist Virus in Mexico
By: Erreh Svaia
Caprine Dispersion
Caprine Dispersion
Its scary when you hear commentators making fun at the suspicion of Russian government trying to 'hack" the 2018 Mexican presidential elections, people being unable to understand how this hacking is happening and still foolishly expecting the leaking of a document with the Russian government logo signed by Putin, giving direct orders to nationalist populist candidate Andres Lopez, let me tell you, things doesn't happen that way, if you take "hacking" in a literal way, it doesn't makes too much sense also, we are not talking about a Russian hacker creating a program that hits many times the "Andres Lopez" button on a voting booth, although one of the biggest electoral frauds in Mexico happened in 1988, when the electoral computer's system "came down", Manuel Bartlett, known as one of the operators in that fraud, is now a Lopez collaborator; "hacking" when it comes to electoral terms means to influence opinions, using propagandist methods to influence voters opinions, again, don't take it literal, as we are not talking about simple political marketing, we are talking about deeply influencing society's moods by exploiting their worst fears, the architects of fears basically playing in an abusive way with traumas within the society, it's an abuse and is debilitating for a country cohesion, as much of its energy is directed towards inner struggle rather than preserved to resist outside intervention.
By flooding the social networks with exaggerated and mostly fake news, an army of digital operators can create the proper mood to make people angry and perceive the economic and social conditions of the country look worst than the way they really are, taking abusive q advantage of the people's lack of real critical sense, proper education or pure ignorance about certain issues, in order to manipulate perceptions, thus creating social division, radicalized mentality and an atmosphere of distrust, the perfect stage for extreme conditions to happen in a political context as it happened in the Brexit episode or in the last USA presidential elections, attempts that were successfully prevented on countries like France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.
So, is Putin trying to take over the world? Of course not, surely that is not his plan (for now...) and that is so ridiculously far from his mind, his real attempt is to create chaos and confusion, to divide and conquer, but not in an imperialist way, if the European Union is strong, Russia's Putin has to negotiate one versus one with them, but if the EU is divided, Russia gets the advantage, the same in North America, if a radical like Trump clashes against a radical like Andres Lopez on NAFTA issues, guess who will be there to advance on trade negotiations with Canada and Mexico? Trump is not capable of understanding the importance of the NATO in Europe...What could make Putin happier than the end of NATO? So yes, Mexico is part of the strategy to disassemble North America as an integrated economical region, nationalism is the poison Putin uses to divide, if China was in a way the economic motor behind Latin America's "Pink Wave", Putin wants Russia to be behind nationalism surge in the world, he already has "his man in Mexico", as Russia Today has named John Ackerman, a collaborator of the propaganda agency and a close advisor to Andres Lopez, if you consider that in the late 60s, the remote North Korea trained groups of Mexican students in guerrilla warfare because they considered Mexico as a key instrument to implement communism near the USA border, creating the chaotic conditions in the 2018 elections in the country could be part of the strategy to keep spreading the nationalist virus.
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