Done With The Left

I`m done people, I’m simply done with the left in this country, a headless and senseless left more compromised with opposing everything without second thought, but not progressive enough to offer and expose real solutions, as far as we know, not coming with a good solution and just raising the hands to signal a problem, is simply being a part of the problem, as Bertrand Russell used to say, knowing the fraud, and not denouncing the fraud is just being a part of the fraud, and nothing else! In this case, the left is simply without direction, without a vision and without a fundamental mission, the PRD is the party of the obsolete, the non-progressive and the retrograde, MORENA plays the role of the violent and radical left, popular with some youths, but closer to the decaying socialist doctrines of Hugo Chavez, or the surrealist doings of Nicolas Maduro, old and rusty socialist dreams that simply lack true fundamentals and that are responsible at this moment for the future collapse of Venezuela, want more left radicalism? Think about the Work Party or PT, inspired by North Korea own Party of The Workers, PT president Alberto Anaya has praised in the media Kim Jong Un nuclear menaces thrown at the US, how is that for progressive left? And Mr Anaya should know, he was a part of the 70s leftish revolts in Mexico, partly instigated by Korean trained Mexican radicals who met at Patricio Lumumba University on the USSR.  

The left, at least in Mexico, and you can count if you want other Latin America countries, simply have forgotten a Marx principle, and that is that socialism or communism can only be achieved in already advanced capitalist economies, one that has created richness in enough amounts to start developing a system of welfare and well distributed wealth for their citizens, and that my friends is the biggest mistake not only committed in the USSR, Cuba or Venezuela, the USSR was one of the poorest countries in Europe when Lenin and the Bolsheviks attained the power, thus Marx`s theories were an aberrant Frankenstein-like monster, never destined to really exist, the principal problems were hunger, corruption and the lack of an organized society, systems became complex in order to sustain this faults and the more complex the situation became, corruption became easier to get involved in it, thus it never achieved its ambitious goals and it ended collapsing as we all knew.

Yes, this days we have capitalism and we understand that it is not working for all of us, as the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger, but we can see signs of a promising future showing everywhere, as advanced “capitalist” economies like Finland, Norway, Sweden or New Zeland are already turning their heads towards this so called welfare estates, were this gaps are finally getting solved and everybody in the society is being watched and cared for, but we must know that the going on in this country is an experiment advancing more and more each day, a successful experiment that within years or a decade will be more and more embraced by the US, this after the failure of the Obama presidency and the fear of the every time more radical actions of the Republicans, the US, not a completely advanced capitalist economy yet, but the biggest, and because of this, the most important, is already realizing what`s been left behind, and is trying to give the necessary turn to solve it, it’s going to be a tough fight, but it’s a process set on, that might upset some people in power, and one the republicans will obviously be set to derail at all costs, excitingly enough, we have China moving towards this scheme in an awkward but somehow successful way, as one day we will all see US and China face to face, arriving at similar self-developed economic systems and economic conclusions on the top of the world, amazing isn’t it? Damn! , even the Roman Catholic Church, led by Pope Francisco seems to be heading this way too!

But now, back to Mexico, the left has done the biggest mistakes one can imagine, it is left out without a purpose, it has repeated feared clichés as opposing everything and everyone without a reason, it has used violence, affecting citizens, it has made empty promises of progress, it has made alliances with “supposed” opponents, eroding all its moral quality, the PRD, the “civilized” left has abandon all discussion tables with violence, Miguel Mancera, head of the Distrito Federal has deceived all citizens with his non acting, and perhaps this ends up in the PRD losing the control of the capital of the country, small left parties like the PT and Movimiento Ciudadano are simple puppets allying with whomever can provide money for their survival, and MORENA, the radical face of the left is being abandoned by the masses as their radical rhetoric is more and more recognized as a retrograde and hypocritical one, and if that wasn’t enough, after being hospitalized, MORENA`s messianic leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador put the direction of his party (in the Korean “communist” tradition of inheriting power to descendants) in the hands of his son, Andres Manuel Lopez Beltran, a young dude known for wearing expensive Louis Vuitton tennis shoes (another Kim Jong Un fan I guess…), how is that for radical socialists? One day, under their rule, we will all be wearing expensive designer shoes? How’s that for equality? The dictatorship of the Vuitton tennis wearing proletarians…! Only in Mexico, were the left has finally met his final days in the mainstream, is this part of the so much needed political evolution? Will we be moving towards a two party system like in the US? Is this the end of the left in favor of the new Citizen Movement to dethrone the dictatorship of the Political Parties? I hope so.


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