The “Trumpalization” of Politics

The “Trumpalization” of Politics

By: Erreh Svaia

“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
Adolf Hitler

The big question these days seems to be if Donald Trump could win the Republican elections…? Given the fact that Trump now has been endorsed by one of the "big voices" in the conservative side, Sarah Palin, a dirty shame for politics, but somehow a strong voice in conservative circles, Palin has given Trump the last push the man needed to arrive stronger than ever to the elections of his political party, Will he win or not? It remains to be seen, but simple logic could tell us that he is the one, of course, this is not a matter of simple logic, it’s a matter of interests within his party, Trump may have a lot of support, but I don’t think his party is ready to handle the control to him at all.

Trump winning the Republican elections would definite have a devastating effect on the Republican Party, whether they like to admit it or not,, it will give a sense that extreme right has finally take over the party and fear would start to become a double edged factor, outer fear would play in favor of Trump, inner fear would play against him, just like it happened recently in France, where it seemed that after the terrorists attacks in Paris (outer fear), the extremist National Front would have a chance at convincing the majority of the electors, rationalism (inner fear) played a major role and the voters in the second round gave the National Front a big kick in the butt, after all, there was a good thinking process in citizens, considering that simple solutions are not always right, and that responsibility on our decisions takes a little time to blossom.

Perhaps, people are at this right moment are starting to think that Trump is not a joke, that he is more than a nightmare and that he could become a reality as president, a true fact, is that people are desperate, the USA economic growth is not being felt by people, and that shows in the increasingly support towards Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, a socialist who is finally giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money, in this turbulent scenario, Trump could definitely make some noise, definitely defeating Sanders if Sanders could defeat Clinton; But Trump could be stopped by inner fears in the last minute, although he will become a major player in politics from now on, as he will become a mayor voice in the GOP´s future, with the chance to create a major wave in the future with a less obnoxious and outspoken candidate, as has happened in France with Marine Le Pen, and in Poland with Beata Sydlo, if Trump could apply his “Art of the Deal” with ease this time, imagine what could happen if Trump find the best vehicle for his menacing hate politics.

In the end, you can make up ugly politics with a pretty face on the surface, and that way introduce your Trojan Horse full of shit, unfortunately for the world, Trump has already done his job, he has clearly brought out a sense of hate, beating in a subtle way under the skin of today's America, yes, he is winning in a way.


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