Don’t Hate Trump

Don’t Hate Trump

By: Erreh Svaia
Caprine Dispersion

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

I must confess I was a little shocked when my little kids who study elementary school, came to me and told me that they hate Donald Trump so much, it was a really adventurous statement from them considering that I haven't reached the point of saying something like that to anyone, neither them; "How could Donald Trump won?" they also told me that Hillary Clinton should have won, so alright, I was intrigued, how could my little kids learned about the USA elections, about "evil Donald ", believe me, I haven't talked about USA politics with them before that, it looked really awkward to me, but it made me worry a lot about the constant flow of misinformation going on practically everywhere, not good, even with little kids.

I understand that Trump is not exactly one of the most likeable USA characters in Mexico this days, but anyone talking about hate is basically behaving the same was as Trump, unless Trump is a crazy racist, which I assume he is not, this has nothing to do with hate, but with politics, Trump is a pragmatic guy, he was very pleased of meeting Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim, if a Mexican has money and wants to spend it on the USA, I could tell you that Trump will love him and declare him a "wonderful man", it's clearly about economy beyond politics and beyond hate ideology, now the fact that kids are talking about hating Donald Trump, it obviously comes from irresponsible parents who view things in simplistic ways, Trump is the evil one, he hate us, we are the good guys, but we should also hate him, that's how good guys react to bad guys? Not even in Sunday cartoons.

So this is not about hate, I don't hate Donald Trump, I feel embarrassed for the the way blue collar Americans were framed, I feel.embarrassed by the way the USA economy will be destroyed, I feel embarrassed of the way global economyReid put on peril, and.I'm really worried that American democracy is at risk of Obama the populist wasn't able to deliver the goods he promised, Americans were angry enough to make the big jump to nowhere, and Trump won as a result, so what's next for the USA after Republicans are trying to stop Trump and after Democrats are unable to create a relevant project in order to defy Trump in a couple of years? I guess the populist wave is far from over in the USA, as the democratic system seems to show its fatigue, it could either convince young people that democracy isn't worth fighting for, like in Putin's Russia or that they should challenge the system with either a centralist outsider like Macron in France, or a left wing populist like Jeremy Corbyn in the UK.

So don't hate Trump my little one's, he one because when people gets mad, they don't think right, so don't get angry, keep your head cold, love, love your country in order to make it better and love your neighbors, Clinton was the lesser devil, not a great candidate either, she was the moat prepared candidate ever for the job, and that should give us a big lesson on irrationality, if he wants to build a wall, it's o.k. if his people allow him, as long as they pay for the wall and it's built on their territory, it's their own business, it will probably be fun watching it come down in the future, or it could become a tragedy after things get out of control and will serve not to prevent us going there, but to prevent Americans to get out.


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