Bachi Da Pietra- Necroide (2015)

Bachi Da Pietra- Necroide (2015)

By: Ghost Writer

The hallucinating and colorful land of great filmmakers Felini, Pasolini, Bertolucci and Sorrento is also fertile ground for out of this earth musical projects, name it My Cat is an Alien, Zu and Ufomammut, part of this diverse music scene is the versatile heavy band Bachi Da Pietra, a duo composed by Giovanni Succi on voice, guitars and bass, and Bruno Dorella on drums, you have to definitely praise the band's flexibility, making them able to go from extreme metal to blues, from funk to unashamed pop within seconds.

Necroide is a great compendium of heavy and aggressive music, at times a nightmarish cross between Sepultura and Rammstein exhibiting wide dynamics and a groovy flow are shown in the greatly titled Black Metal Il Mio Folk, also including hardcore punk like choruses and plenty of generous feedback.

The sublimely titled Slayer and the Family Stone puts fully in display the band's unique talent at building irresistible grooves, based on strong drumming and intense guitar playing that shows again the Sepultura influence on the band's most aggressive songs, Roots, by the Brazilian titans surely is a big reference for this Italian band, deviating at times to pure funk in some really bizarre parts that make them sound something like the Chilli Peppers of extreme metal.

Powerful riffing and violent drumming appear on Fascite, but the mode quickly changes on Tarli Mai, featuring crazy minimal tribal drumming in what could be seen as a Captain Beefheart like heavy mutant sort of blues.

The galloping samba metal of Voodooviking, the embarrassing. Auto tuned funk rock of Apocalinsec, and the Faith No More esque metal of Feccia are monumental showdowns of the band's immense talent, and also a proof that there is still work to do, as the band matures and becomes more focused in the future, Necroide is a phenomenal record embracing lots of he genres, perhaps too many, but when the band gets focused, it's intense heavy attack is a brutal force to be reckoned.


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