Welcome to BoJokhstan

Welcome to BoJokhstan

“In a dream it's typical not to be rational.”

John Forbes Nash, Jr.

Young Europeans were never too much aware of politics "who cares, we are fine" was their thought, decades of peace and stability erased the memories of the turbulent years of nationalism, xenophobia and war, Europe for them was a thematic park that allowed them to move freely and cheaply through the European Union, buy now, after Brexit, things are going to change, their future has been stolen by older generations, they will be forced now to care, as populist referendums like the one happened in UK will start to become a pledge in countries like Spain, Germany, Hungary, Greece, France, Austria and the Netherlands, it might mean the end of mobility, of employment and of stability.

Today we are waking up to a new reality, a new wall has been built in Europe and the politics of division and protectionism just like in the 30s seem to be gaining momentum, as the European Union loses strength after Brexit, the possibility of a major leave from it by many other countries is imminent, the UK was a regional leader in the north of Europe, so immediate action from the Nordic and Baltic countries is to be expected, the move of the UK towards a more ultra-right zone opens the door for more extreme politics and the populist stance of someone like Boris Johnson and the more prominent influence of fear mongers like Nigel Farage, you can't call this a total disaster, its up to Britons to move forward, but I can't stop thinking about this as a step backwards.

Isn't it ironic that after conservative prime minister David Cameron resignation, it's not the Left Wing who are winning but the more dissonant factions of Cameron´s Conservative Party, it was a tough decision, and it opens the doors to so many things, a new more divided Europe, the reaffirmation of nationalism, the probable surge of a large wave of xenophobia and the definite consolidation of South Asia as the next economic force in the world.

Now is not crazy to assume that winds of "independence" will start to blow around Europe, "idiot winds", as Dylan used to say, is not too risky to consider that both Scotland and Ireland will consider leaving the UK in order to look for a return to the UE, as it will start to lose its relevance as the financial center of the Eurozone, Cameron made a terrible mistake, he put his personal interests up front and open the door to the populists favorite tool, the referendum, let people decide on complex matter not by reason, but by pure feel, normally influenced by anger and fear.

It would be hard to know what the future has for the UK and for the world, but these are times of irrational rebellion, these are tines or volatility, and I guess, Brexit bring even more uncertainty to our global equation, it would be interesting to watch the reaction of certain antagonists like Russia, perhaps one of the most benefited from this movement, let´s not forget the prominent role of Russians oligarchs in the UK, who might have had some influence on the event.


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