A Green Specter is Haunting Hollywood…

A Green Specter is Haunting Hollywood…

By: Erreh Svaia

“I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual.”
Leonardo DiCaprio

In today's convoluted world, as we start to gain conscience about the climatic change and its tragically consequences on our lives, there are countries who have already started years ago developing pioneering approach in order to reconfigure their production and economic systems in order to introduce more and more “green” technologies, Germany is world known as a pioneering country in this matter and they have slowly became a champion of renewable energies, the other day I talked with a couple of friends about how Germany started years ago to adopt this green approach losing some if its commercial appeal, but they stayed true to their higher commitment, after all, you buy German stuff mainly because of its design and enduring quality, not because of their price, you know you pay more, but you also receive more, when I need to repair my car the mechanic always asks me if I want cheap Chinese pieces or long lasting and more expensive German pieces, and I prefer the latter, it keeps problems away for a longer time, when you look for quality you know who comes first, at the cost of commercial appeal Germany has adopted these revolutionary technologies, here in Mexico we struggle a lot to adopt them because they imply a higher cost in production, and we still have a long way to go in order to get the same quality recognition that could help us keep gaining momentum and become less "cost-price" obsessed and become more quality and added value oriented.

It results amazing and ironic that it was Germany's world renown car brand Volkswagen (I loved Volkswagen Sedan, my father had a couple when I was a little kid) the one involved in using gas emission devices designed to cheat on environmental tests, but as we know the German and Volkswagen will find a way to overcome such adversity and reinvent themselves based on the trust people have towards the brand, because they as a country, are ecologically oriented, perhaps even more than most European, American or Asian countries (with Iceland perhaps as a notable exception), but in the meantime, people like Elon Musk capitalize on the subject and looks to gain even more attention on his much publicized Tesla electric cars, Musk seems to have found a way to work around electric cars main disadvantages, such as energy reserves by working in a long lasting battery similar to that of the cell phones, finding even more uses home-oriented that could help Musk reach new markets (what about a battery to light up your whole house in the middle of the woods?), but we still have to find a way, in less developed countries to make electric cars really work in favor of environment, as we still get most of our electricity from processes that require diesel and other oil dedicated products making a liability the apparent ecological benefits of the electric car in Mexico, for example.

Also in the meantime, another smart guy who immediately sees gold when he is close to it, is actor Leonardo DiCaprio, a very talented guy who seems to find a niche of his interest in developing and acting stories about corporate frauds, corruption and greed, let's not forget his portrayal of famed and legendary business man Howard Hughes (Hughes, as Stan Lee confessed inspired Tony Stark, whose alter ego is also known as Marvel's Iron Man, Stark, the millionaire comic character casually also gets compared with real life Elon Musk because of his high tech corporative approach) and his more recent adventure in The Wolf of Wall Street, DiCaprio has declared that he is interested in taking to the big screen the story of VW´s scandal and it's environmental contingency, perhaps tackling two important issues in one single shot, corporations and ecology, will  the great Martin Scorsese be behind the camera directing DiCaprio again in an ultra-intense movie about “Goodfellas and Wolves inside Corporations”? Is the “Green Approach” becoming a sort of “communism” haunting the world of “capitalism.”?

We can do nothing but affirm again that reality surpasses fiction.


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