Zardonic-Antihero (2015)

Zardonic-Antihero (2015)

“Venezuela has changed forever.”
Hugo Chavez

By: Ghost Writer
Following the brutally heavy approach of other bands fusing electronic beats and heavy music, Venezuela's Zardonic seems to be following a route towards new musical heights that contrast deeply with Venezuela current route towards oblivion as America's most damaged economy and having the world's highest inflation rate.

Zardonic sound is nothing exactly new, as some of you who have followed this humble blog through the years know that Skrillex and Korn did a great collaborative record a couple of years ago with spectacular results, well, Zardonic seems to be walking the same path with equally energetic and exciting results.

Antihero is the result of one man's work, DJ Federico Agreda, a composer and electronic musician considered one of the best on his native country, listening just a moment to Against All Odds and it becomes impossible to miss the rest of the theme as Zardonic music is powerfully addictive, taking the hard and heavy electronic beats of Skrillex, with dissonant guitars, yes, Korn and Skrillex we all know did it first, but Zardonic is simply filling the space those two acts opened years ago, the intense electronic maneuvers and the violently intense ringing guitars asphyxiated at times by hyper abrasive riffing.

For Justice is weird in its rhythmic nature featuring disjointed electronic blast and then arena size riffs, Zardonic shots intense acid lines of sound accompanied by hyperactive beats and a screaming voice taken to the extreme of its vocal chords, the tune almost have a party feel, kind of like the intense music of "death pop" star Andrew WK, but with more anger infused and lots of screaming guitar solos, Could Zardonic be in WK's future anytime soon? The two could make an interesting collaboration.

Crush It although heavy, is more inclined towards electronica and brostep, it's perhaps heavier and more organic than the stuff Skrillex did, except for the almost robotic voice it features, while Vigilante features an enigmatic and at the same time explosive intro, the type of stuff one would love to listen while watching another violent Matrix Sci Fi type of stuff like the Wachowskis'.

Zardonic explores deeply the world of heavy dance beats and addictive vocal manipulated hooks, as it is shown in Override which also features electronica treated guitar riffs that curls into flesh ripping metal hooks, but is definitely on Pure Power as its name implies that Zardonic really release all his might with a song structure that certainly goes back to the early days of NIN or Skinny Puppy, really dark and heavy techno stuff.

There are other heavy burners like the Ministry sound alike Raise Hell featuring powerful keyboard work and an almost inhuman feral vocal performance, closing with the near perfect The Time is Now scary and blood thirst piece that easily blows all electronic acts away for now.

While Venezuela quickly drowns in chaos with inept government, Zardonic represents at least hope that the Venezuelan people are capable of great things, of making things new and to be able to compete with the best, grew and astonishing work by Agreda.


  1. Anonymous1/27/2021

    "Skrillex and Korn did it first". Except Zardonic has been around since 2004 ��


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