The Latin American Winter

The Latin American Winter

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship.”
George Orwell

By: Erreh Svaia
Didn't notice this tendency until someone wrote today about the "Latin America Spring", What a big joke, I get messed up and upset every time people uses the word "Spring" as synonym of change or revolution, I guess is irresponsible, but those who like us to live in chaos doesn't want to recognize it, is a shiny title for those who want to use chaos to its favor, yes, the storm provides for predatory creatures, yes, it's a term that tries to make echo of the Praga Spring, but is severely misunderstood by many.

Sincerely, I hope we arrive to the time and place we recognize that the Arab Spring for example was a big fraud, a manipulation to create chaos in the Middle East, and that chaos still prevails in the form of grotesque things like Daesh, the anarchy in once rich Arab Countries like Libya and Iraq, and Egypt, Syria and Turkey increasingly authoritarian regimes.

But in Latin America, people start to look at the decay of "Socialismo del Siglo XXI" as a sort of "Spring" or revolution, when in fact it isn't, the fraudulent revolution took place after the demise of the USSR, when the world's biggest hypocrite dictator Fidel Castro lost its Soviet financial backing, an astute politician, Fidel looked at America to spread his virus, he took a member of the army in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and a union leader in Brazil, Lula Da Silva (How symbolic!), as the pillars for his next move, to conquer America's biggest economy and its oil richest country, he used the social cause to push populist movements and to achieve power, it was an opportunistic move, as China was starting to grow and Russia was weak after the communist fall, China needed allies and Castro performed the move with chess like intelligence, giving a chance to countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Nicaragua to ride the wave of China's raw materials hunger, and sell it as "progress", when in fact, they were selling their future for too little, that was the Latin America Spring, a cruel manipulation of the poor's desperation and claim for justice.

What we are living now is the aftermath of the Latin America Spring, the consequences, when the "useful idiot", or the “Latin-American Idiot” symptom, that was immersed on Eduardo Galeano youthful nationalist rhetoric, has learned from its mistakes and is looking to mend its way, this is not a revolution, is evolution, is learning from mistakes, is a painful awaken after a big fraud the divided the continent and hurt economic growth, what Latin America is living now is not Spring, is a Winter, and winters are cold and cruel, is walking uphill, and that's how the future looks for Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil and the rest of the region, is the coming of tough times that demands reflection, tolerance and union, the present looks hard, but now, more than ever, dividing ideology is fading away, and that is a sign of hope.


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