A-XL/DC and the Highway To Hell
and the Highway To Hell
By: Erreh Svaia
“Im more in love with Rock n
Roll today than other things. It grows, you know?”
Bon Scott
As I was posting
pics and video of Bon Scott, the late singer of legendary Aussie rock n roll
band AC/DC, in his anniversary, I was told by some guy that Axl Rose, the Guns
n Roses singer, was a better replacement, closer to Scott, than Brian Johnson,
well, I couldn't disagree more with him, for me Rose and this Axl/DC thing is
nothing more than a big embarrassment for a once great band in full decadence,
Johnson was a GREAT singer who already had a decent career as singer of the
great rock n roll band Geordie, so great that Scott was a fan of him, Johnson
even made solo records and Scott compared him with no other than Little
If I would have
looked up for a worthy Johnson's replacement, I would have looked up for
someone like Steve Whitman, Jason McMaster or Vicky James Wright, Whitman, the
most seasoned veteran of the three is the singer of then great Baltimore hard
rock band Kix, a bunch of bad guys making loud boogie which m unfortunately
became world famous with a mediocre ballad titled Don't Close Your Eyes, it was
good it gave then exposure, but it wasn't really representative of a band who
richest just as hard and nasty as Angus and company, on the other side, there
was another great singer named Jason McMaster, a guy who sang with Texas prog
thrash legends Watchtower, who was requested by Pantera before Phil Anselmo
joined them, who became famous with Dangerous Toys and after their dissolution
became the singer of a little known band named Broken Teeth, we could match
McMaster intensity, but there was also another guy when just like Scott sounded
like he swallowed a azor blades for breakfast, Vicky James Wright, the singer
of Johnny Crash (how's that for a great band name?), a little known hard rock
band from the 90s who later followed a career as a writer.
I feel choosing to
Rose was shameless opportunistic, guess Angus wanted to make some big
commercial move and get some back bucks for retirement, after all, without main
guitarist Malcolm Young out of the band, I really don't think AC/DC could go
anywhere, if AC/DC truly means something, that's the hard, unparalleled riff
marathon of Malcolm, yes, Angus might look nice on his school boy uniform
thing, but that doesn't make great music, he is just a show man, like Rose, and
they need great music guys as bottom for their show, Axl Rose knows this well,
how far his former band went after Izzy Stradlin's departure? Yes, Axl was a
magnetic singer, and Slash solos are flashy and amusing, but is guys like
Stradlin and Malcolm who make truly long lasting classic music, are you trying
to tell me that Angus and Axl could make something better than Back in Black or
Appetite for Destruction, two of the best hard rock records ever made? I
seriously doubt it, and if you are going to tell me that Rose is better that
Johnson, you just haven't heard Johnson's show stealing performance with the
Hollywood Vampires, the best performances in Johnson's career.
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