The Too Young Lame Duck President

The Too Young Lame Duck President 

By: Erreh Svaia
Caprine Dispersion

“Will power is to the mind like a strong blind man who carries on his shoulders a lame man who can see.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

In the last months of his period, a USA president is commonly known as a "lame duck " president, a man whose power is finally diminished as his las months decisions won’t have big transcendence, and is often overlooked and in favor of the new elected president, whom everyone is trying to ingratiate with, the "lame duck" president is an isolated man, a finished president, totally overshadowed; society, businessmen, and journalists are already focusing on his successor, a complex situation of going from being a very powerful character to practically forgotten politician, for a country like the USA is a difficult time considering that is a sort of power vacuum and a disadvantage towards the exterior in which many things can happen; Obama ended up like a “lame duck” president, isolated and forgotten, he even entered into the ring in order to fight Trump and gain some attention, but it was a useless fight, even his wife Michelle had more power against Trump than him, in fact, for a moment Michelle Obama looked powerful enough to even defeat Hillary Clinton in an election round.

The irony these days, is that since the presidential elections he won, Donald Trump wanted to present himself as some sort of "strongman" for his country, a copycat of Vladimir Putin's “Czarist” ruthless persona, wishing to create the same sort of authoritarian rule, problem for Trump is that the USA is not Russia, and he is obviously no Putin, the USA democratic systems with its checks and balances seem to be working against him, now Trump , with not even a full year in office is starting to look just like a "lame duck" president, slowly alienating and losing his voters base, “the blue collar worker”, who was on the verge of losing health care because of Trump's failed attempt at derogating Obamacare, realizing those thousands of jobs going offshore are not coming back; “the so called alt right”, who idolized Trump, as their new “revolutionary leader”, were shocked after the dropping of bombs on Syria and Afghanistan, a sign that he was nothing more than a traditionally awful republican; Trump is losing also the support of the Republican Party, after the ousting of Reince Priebus, the disenchantment with Paul Ryan, and the rebellion of republicans in the Congress led by senator John McCain (once insulted by Trump), which ignited the alarm at the core of the party, who are starting to consider Vice president Mike Pence as their Plan B if things keep going wrong, he has even lost clue collaborators and advisors like Steve Bannon, whom he put aside and left in the shadows for his own son in law, daughter and sons, and recently fired him in order to clean up his very damaged image (people even calling him Nazi sympathizer), even his team members Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Pence are working behind Trump's back in order to straighten up the political mess his boss created in North Korea and South America, and the casual voter? Is scared now of a man that was thought as a safer option to Hillary "warmonger" Clinton, and who is now threatening Mexico, Germany, Canada, Australia, North Korea and Venezuela.

In recent days, after the North Korea and the Charlottesville events, moments have been horrendous for Trump, the man´s total lack of politic skills has put him right in the eye of the storm, even the mention that he was considering “military intervention” in Venezuela was another catastrophic misstep, a dream come true for someone like the inept Nicolás Maduro, who saw Trump statement as the perfect excuse to keep his absurd anti imperialistic rhetoric going on, as there is no chance of the USA invading Venezuela in the near time, but Maduro will turn on his propaganda machine in order to keep blaming external influence, and specially USA influence as an excuse to tighten even more the terrible conditions Venezuela is facing nowadays.

Trump is slowly been left alone, without strong collaborators, surrounded only by his family (nepotism) and generals (which could be dangerous) and desperate for quick victories, right in the beginning of the NAFTA negotiations (between Canada, Mexico and the USA), it looks very hard for Trump to make a quick win on NAFTA, negotiations will take time, and they won´t allow Trump unpredictability, making the USA arrive to the negotiating stage with a very bad image and with Trump as the weakest link in the USA government, giving a chance to Mexico and Canada to get together and move on in order to create that “win-win-win” update of the commercial agreement, a very much needed event considering the 20 plus year history of the trade agreement, but danger is still ever present, if one considers that Trump fired Bannon, once his chief and star strategist, a perceived bad direction in NAFTA negotiations could make Robert Lighthizer, leader of the USA negotiation team suffer the same unfortunate fate of Bannon, as negotiations started with a proactive attitude by the Mexican team, a more observer role by Canadians and the North Americans waving the improvable flags of diminishing their commercial deficit and bringing back jobs to the USA, but those matters will be analyzed with more details in a few days, in the meantime, is time to take advantage of Trump´s early stance as a “lame duck” president, and a presidency that keeps sinking.


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