Moderation as an Antidote to Extremism
Moderation as an Antidote to Extremism
By: Erreh Svaia
Caprine Dispersion
“Candor and generosity, unless tempered by due moderation, leads to
One of the many lies told during campaign by Donald
Trump was about USA's tax rate being one of the highest in the world, in
reality, the USA are far from that questionable "honor", which as a
matter of fact goes to Denmark, yes, the Nordic country that foolishly Bernie
Sanders declared as a “social democracy”, well, Sanders is certainly not a
social democrat, he is in love with old style socialism, in the same wavelength
of UK´s Jeremy Corbyn, France´s Jean Luc Mélenchon, Spain´s Pablo Iglesias, and
México´s Andrés López, all of them big fans of deceased Venezuela´s dictator
Hugo Chávez´s “Socialismo del Siglo XXI”; Denmark, neither is neither a
socialist country nor a “social democracy”, as Sanders wished it to be, prime minister
Lars Lokke Rasmussen once angrily denied Sanders’ assumption and clarified that they were they
are a market economy, very far from a socialist planned economy, the country
currently ruled by a center right coalition, is a living proof of the false
idea of Nordic countries being socialists (a myth dispersed by obsolete
socialists), even discarding social democracy a couple of years ago, when they started
looking for more benefits for their countries ‘economies and in order to
confront an the increasingly heavy weight of their too generous welfare state,
aggravated by an aging population, some of them retired from work, creating a
heavier burden to the economically active population, decreasing year by year,
the latest news on this permanent adjustment on their economic policies is a
major tax cut rate on all income groups in order to help population save more
for retirement, and to make business more competitive, a policy not to in
synchrony with a “left wing” country, or even for a “social democracy”, but one
that equals the ones from other center right ruled countries from the region,
trying to conceal a free market, a competitive economy (right wing) without
compromising too much their concerns for citizens´ levels of social security
they are famous for, finding perhaps, now a model in Angela Merkel´s Germany,
who has managed to keep the country going on in the middle of a world political
In Germany, social democracy (real social democracy)
is not seen as a true contender against the “social market economy” of Angela
Merkel´s ruling coalition, in fact, Merkel managed to keep democratic power by
making a grand coalition between right and left wing parties, putting
moderation and efficiency in front (and putting ideologies to the side) in
order to counter balance the advances of the extremist far right wing
represented by the AfD and the left wing SPD (social democrats), Merkel´s
formula for success has been his tendency to add up certain “progressist”
policies to her conservative base, successfully adopting same sex marriage
initiatives and migrant inclusion which are even taboo for left and right wing
parties in Germany, giving her the edge over his closest rival for the next
elections, Martin Schulz, who was not able to convince potential voters of his
political proposal during a recent debate, Merkel has made moderation one of
her strongest assets against populism and against radical right and left wing
parties (with Schultz even suggesting to cut diplomatic ties with Turkey), even
managing to defeat the blinding charms of social democracy, Merkel´s successful
administration has solved in convincing manners tough conflicts like migration
and terrorism, setting an example for other European countries to follow (also
becoming an interesting and strong counter balance against Trump and Putin´s
advances); with unemployment numbers falling, wages rising and consumer
confidence going high, is almost a fact that Merkel will win (for the fourth
time!) elections again this month, even managing to get Schultz´s party as an
ally once again.
In México, a Grand Democratic Front has been initiated
by three parties, one right wing, National Action Party (PAN) and two left wing
parties Democratic Revolution Party and Citizen Movement (PRD and MC), a
previously unseen broad coalition of left and right rarely seen in México
towards a presidential election since 1988 when major left wing leader
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas rejected a major coalition with right wing leader Manuel J.
Clouthier, these days to talk about left wing and right wings is almost
anachronistic, coalitions and alliances had been made in Chile, Uruguay and
Germany, we had the chance of been pioneers in 1988, but we missed the opportunity,
but we must consider that the mean of such coalitions should be to bring us a more efficient
way of rule and creating a better consensus, and not just a vehicle for winning an
election or keeping the minimum number of votes to maintain the registry of the party, there
must be a well-defined common agenda with checks and balances, and a candidate
flexible enough to appeal to the various united fronts, internally elected by a
transparent democratic process, in a world menaced by rampant extremism,
moderation makes more sense as an antidote, it makes more sense to go beyond
the realm of the left and right wings, and to reject the disjunctive between competition
and cooperation, these days it makes more sense to have the best of both
We love you Erreh, your world views are amazingly accurate, best regards from Australia