The Cold War is freezing, as the Artic melts
The Cold War is freezing, as the Artic melts
Just when we thought that after the fall of
the Berlin Wall, the cold war was over, frictions between the former USSR and
the USA are starting to escalade all over the world, spies are replaced by technology,
hackers, Anonymous, and whistleblowers like Manning, Snowden or Assange, whose
revelations of confidential digital information has created big tension between
the two countries, now it’s not only USA spying on Russia for war and conquest
purposes, it’s the USA spying all of us, even industries for commercial
purposes, its China’s hackers stealing industrials secrets form the USA and
chip on computers that spy everyone.
In Latin
America, it seems like some parts of the “old left” shut their eyes and ears to
the collapse of the USSR and communism, countries like Cuba and Venezuela still
apply those old and obsolete socialist models into their economies, distributing
misery and limiting the most basic human rights, it’s absurd that after
constructing a monarchy over an old dictatorship, Fidel Castro still be seen as
the father of “revolution” in Latin America, expanding his empire to Venezuela,
Bolivia and even Argentina, today, every hardcore left government bow down
their head at Castro, who build a monarchy in Cuba and passed the power to his
brother Raul, while the Castro family live like the royal families in Europe,
how’s that for equality?
The left in
America, just like in Mexico is tore in two parts, old hardcore socialism
wreaking havoc in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, with high inflation,
shortages of food and basics and denying of human rights, yes, that`s the
revolution, on the other side, the moderate left seems to be looking at the
future, like in Uruguay, Chile and Brazil, countries that made the big leap
towards a better standard of living for their citizen, in Mexico, sadly the
left has no head, with one part obsolete and without direction, and the other
radical and isolated, dreaming with a hero in the vein of Fidel, Che or Per貌n,
who will magically save us.
But USA and
Russia still fight all over the world, the world seems to be divided now again
in two blocks, the USA and the EU on one side, and Russia and China in the
other, when I was a little boy, American cinema taught us that the Russians
were the evil ones, the ones who wanted to take over the world in a merciless
way, stealing away all properties and transforming us all on a mindless working
force, today, we know that’s all bullshit, there are good ones and evil ones on
both sides, the USA spy on all of us and funds revolts all over the world, they
even backed Al Qaeda on some countries, they back Israel on some others and
their thirst for oil is endless, undoubtedly they are backing revolts in
Ukraine and Venezuela, as both countries are known for their rich oil
resources, all this while Russia government tries to keep their hold on
Ukraine, as an strategic way of accessing to their agricultural resources and
the Black Sea oil deposits, it’s still the old Conquest game.
Today, Russia
is negotiating with countries like Venezuela, Cuba (old pals), Venezuela,
Vietnam and Singapur, in order to have military presence in those countries in
exchange of economic resources, Venezuela with its oil is an obvious attractive
objective for Russia, Nicaragua is an strategic place due to its closeness to
the Panama channel and Cuba, like in the old times is the perfect strategic
place to keep the USA on close sight, speaking of Venezuela, China is another
important agent operating there, as lots of Chinese money has been introduced
in the Venezuelan economy.
it was capitalism against communism, these days it’s simply two blocks fighting
for the last big oil reserves, and surveillance of each other, but tomorrow
this sort of latent cold war will get colder, as both the USA and Russia keep
their sight on the Artic, an enormous place little explored and believed to
have big oil and gas reserves, today countries like Russia, USA, Canada, Norway
and Denmark have started a race to reach and conquer the Artic in order to
claim those resources their own, a setting similar to the second movie of Star
Wars might not be too far, how will these country align in this fight? And
don’t forget about Antarctica, because places like Argentina, Australia New
Zeland and South Africa may aspire a similar conquest in the future.
In the end,
this is a war of countries, of armies, not of people, what’s our choice, how
can we the people decide on these matters? Countries want power, but do they
care about what people really want? I suspect that the big powers did nothing
to stop pollution, they wanted the world to be a warmer place, as the Artic
lost big chunks of ice, it’s easier for them to have access to the most remote
areas of that region, was it all part of the plan form the beginning?
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