Our Left is not Right

Our Left is not Right

“Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form.”
Karl Marx

By: Erreh Svaia
It was a brave movement when Cuauhtémoc Cardenas left the PRD, the left wing political party he founded decades ago, it was a high moral act in a time of turbulence for the party, after the Ayotzinapa incident, the party was severely criticized because of their involvement in the government of Guerrero, the political party structure was falling apart and losing its own morality; I don’t see Cuauhtémoc Cardenas  as a totem for the left in Mexico, or for the PRD, but he is surely an indicator that something was being shaken truly from the insides in political opposition in general within the country.

These days, to make things worse, the PRD, Mexico's biggest left wing political party, is looking for a new leader to rescue them from imminent shipwrecking, the "people's politics party" is no longer representative of the people, so what's left after that? What is left for political parties after the premise of representing people is over? What's left for them after independent candidates have become an apparent reality in Mexico? Some might say that is time for renewal, but are political parties corrupted and rotten to the core capable of really reinventing themselves?

I must admit that I find Agustin Basave, a potential outsider candidate to lead the PRD as a very clever character, I think is truly healthy to bring a new point of view to make things work in different way, but I'm not quite sure if an external candidate would make the best choice to lead a political party he hasn't been part of in his life, it speaks of the unbelievable impossibility of the PRD to organize and rule itself, it speaks of the lack of leadership within the party and the lack of power to make agreement and move forward, and with those conditions, I think the most clever thing to do would be to dissolve the party and start a new one all over again.

I don't see the PRD, as much radical as they consider themselves, to be brave enough to start all over again, so I have no big hopes for the party to really change, even if Basave assumes its presidency, after the Ayotzinapa case, the division of the left, the rise of the independent candidates and the mediocre government in Mexico City, I guess is time for the PRD to call it quits, just like Cuauhtémoc Cardenas, its former moral leader, it's the high moral thing to do, whether they like it or not, is time for new social and political leadership in Mexico, is time to understand that neither tradition parties nor violent revolutions will help us to move faster towards progress, it's time to move in a more clever way, reinvent the country with order and in a peaceful way, these are times when innovation, reinvention, morals and transparency are needed to lead the country toward new needed height, Who's up to do the job?


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