Two Sides or More to Every Story

Two Sides or More to Every Story

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

By Erreh Svaia
I have always defended my right to ask, to make questions, to look for the truth and to have my own opinion, I try to keep my mind open and always search for the truth, even if it takes a long trip to find it, I take my time to make my own opinions, I take nothing for granted.

In Mexico everything ends up politicized, the good things, are quickly seized by politicians as they try to gather votes by convincing people that if something turned out good it was because if them, if something turns bad, it was everybody else fault but them.

When social protest for the case of the murder of 43 students in Guerrero last year, started to rise in the country, opportunistic political actors were quick to signal the government for the murdering of innocent people, Enrique Peña Nieto´s government has made terrible mistakes, but I suspected something was wrong, it wasn’t just about blaming the government, not if you really want the truth, first, the students of the Teachers School in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, were heavily indoctrinated in violent Marxist ideology, they were more social agitators working for the radical left wing, than teachers, they blocked highways, kidnapped touristic buses, made graffiti and were responsible for the arson of gas stations, acts which took the lives of innocent people, students weren't so innocent after all, but yes, they were victims of unscrupulous people who used them, and they were unfortunately responsible for the kidnapping of several busses that September night, busses used by drug traffickers who weren’t happy for their illegal merchandise to be deviated, and the punishment for that intromission was torture, murder and disappearance.

In some Latin America countries resounds the word "desaparecidos" to name the victims of merciless dictatorships happening in Latin America during the 70s, whose bodies were never found, some of them put in nameless pits and some others thrown into the ocean, in Mexico we had Tlatelolco, an incident in which the army repressed violently students´ protests, which lead to a bloody event that left painful scars in the country, making really easy to think that the government and the army, in an act of repression were responsible for the murdering of the 43 students of Guerrero, the truth today looks clearer and it lead right to drug trade, the students were in the wrong time that night, in busses used to carry hidden drugs, and in the wrong place, Guerrero, the place where most of the heroine in the country is produced; Tortured, executed and disappeared from Earth, mafia style, their bodies may lay in an unknown underground pit, burnt to ashes or dissolved in acid, the complete truth might never be known.

About the murdering happened months ago in the Colonia Narvarte, again the clues lead us to drugs, as a bunch of young guys and girls were murdered with brutal violence in an apartment in Mexico City, one guy, a graphic reporter, one girl, a social activist, gave quick signs that government “guerra sucia” or undercover action was the cause of the killings, the truth again gave us clues that lead to drug trafficking and prostitution, as both the graphic reporter and the activist were in the wrong place at the wrong time, in a condo used as a place for prostitution, and when a trio of “mafiosos” were trying to make a quick buck by stealing the cocaine hidden by a Colombian girl in the apartment, all the people there were killed in cold blood style, the girls there were raped and once again, social agitators were quick to condemn the government and to raise awareness of attacks towards freedom of speech, given the fact that the graphic reporter and the social activist were under menace by the Veracruz state government, none of this was confirmed, but the part of the killers were caught and confessed the murders committed in order to steal the drug.

We must remain skeptical and have a cold head, we must look at the facts and let the doors open for some clues, I would love to have all the answers to my doubts in an easy way, but the “truth is, that truth doesn’t come easy…”


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