Evolution, not revolutions…

Evolution, not revolutions…

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

By: Erreh Svaia

You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world...

Or so said, Revolution, the song by The Beatles, even a rock music knew the trick behind the revolutions, let's not forget that the great George Orwell knew also that revolutions weren't made to throw down a dictatorships but to install one, remember the French revolution? With The Terror set after it in order to maintain the new order, remember the Russian revolution? And do you also remember Stalin, the Great Purges and the Gulags? You are too young to remember that? well remember the Cuban revolution with Castro installing a new dictatorships in the island in the name of socialism, what about the Arab Spring?, remember Egypt, Mubarak, The Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi ad back to a military dictatorship? Remember Isis?

Revolution doesn't mean true evolution, that's why Ricardo Flores Magón talked in México about "Regeneración" and about Liberalism, terms stolen now by our retrograde left wing starred by closet Marxist "divos" Andrés Manuel López and Gerardo Noroña, we celebrate in November 20, another Mexican revolution anniversary, everyone talks about Francisco I. Madero, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, but no one talks about Flores Magón, the anarchist who read Proudhon and Bakunin, who started talking about revolution in 1906, a friend of Emma Goldman and who despised Madero and his revolution because like the French one, was really originated by the bourgeoisie.

Revolutions in reality never come to good terms, well organized minorities end up "kidnapping" the movement, then become the new ruling class ad sometimes even become more authoritarian than the previous regime, remember Stalin? In México, after the revolution we got the PRI, a new dictatorship disguised as a political party, who just like the Communist Party in Russia, ruled the country for 70 years.

I think the revolution day, just like Columbus Day, or "El Día de la Raza" should start to become more scrutinized, more intellectually dissected in order to understand better our history and to realize the importance of sending the PRI back to the graveyard for once and for all, the Mexican revolution served as way to end bloody fights between political fractions, it brought a dictatorship and after a couple of decades started to take more than to give, México lost decades of economic and social development because the PRI was hell bent on keeping the status quo.

I believe in evolution of human kind, not in revolutions, revolutions are bloody wars between brothers, revolutions are perversely manipulated movements to concentrate power, evolution comes from within, from a person changing and starting to make other change slowly in a gradual way, revolutions kill ad destroy, evolution build and creates, it also means growth.
So celebrate your revolutions... Hope you don't end up in one...


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