Friday 13, Paris, France

Friday 13, Paris, France

“Intolerance is evidence of impotence.”
Aleister Crowley

By: Erreh Svaia
Friday 13, and I'm not superstitious, but it has been a bad day, or bad night to be more exact, in Paris France, Le Bataclan, a traditional music venue where American rock band Eagles of Death Metal played a show, some may argue that rock music generates violence, this time it wasn't rock music, it was hate and intolerance, it was manipulation and perhaps perverse politics, a war we are immersed in, but many still don't know, the attacks, as is obvious in these cases were highly symbolic, Eagles of Death Metal represented everything middle east fundamentalists hate: Western culture.

The shooting at the Le Bataclan wasn't a random attack, there was typical Western band playing, the bombings near the stadium weren't random, there was a Germany vs. France match being played, violence here touches the U.S., and it will touch Germany, the country that has been working hard on immigrant programs within the European Union, and at the same time a country that is beginning to get divided from within, you can bet that Pegida, the xenophobic German social movement will get stronger after this, you bet in France, Marine Le Pen's National Front will get stronger, and so will get every ultra-right wing nationalist party in Europe, and there is almost one ultra-right wing political party in every European country.

But perhaps, one of the most shocking thing here, is also the fact that terrorist attacks are not mean to be against big targets, against national points of reference, they are meant against people and so called soft spots, theaters (we have seen that in Russia), stadiums and restaurants, targets that are not so easy to cover, forget about airplanes crashing on buildings but expect probably more killings in restaurants and an always week spot in the U.S., schools.

The thing is that the terrorist attacks not only serve the terrorists themselves, as a matter of fact they are just some of the useful idiots in the big sick game, in the U.S., The Republican Party with people like Donald Trump and inner organizations like the Tea Party seems to be acting in equal manner of Europe's radical ultra-nationalism, with a dash of hypocrisy given the fact that big corporations are dictating their true nature.

the military industry gets the benefit, as more and more weapons will be sold in order for citizens to protect themselves, in the European Union, nationalistic parties like France's National Front, Greece's Golden Dawn and in the U.K., the UKIP will get the benefits, and it will be easier for them to get anti-immigration policies approved, countries like Russia and Hungary will start closing definitely their borders, the whole EU project gets in peril of dissolution, and the perception of Russia as an even if the European Union will chance to focus on Islam, a "demon", Mr. Vladimir Putin is a genius getting to work for him, it worked in Chechnya and it is working for him in Syria, it seems that every mayor extremist movement (sometimes sponsored secretly even by him) is working at his favor, these days it seems as if he is the man who can protect Europe from Islam, and what if France, Italy, the U.K. And even Germany get convinced by that?

Welcome to a new era of democracy “approved” dictators, as Mr. Putin is giving new memberships to his friends in Turkey, Syria and perhaps Hungary.

Someone is getting really all the benefit of all this terrorist acts...Guess Who?


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