Mexican Spring Is a Joke

Mexican Spring Is a Joke

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”
George Bernard Shaw 

By: Erreh Svaia
I greatly disagree when recently elected Nuevo León governor Jaime Rodriguez claimed that he started the Primavera Mexicana or Mexican Spring in clear allusion to the events that happened in Middle East, analyzing the situation of the so called Arab Spring is interesting to see that it didn't went as well as everyone wished, just look at Egypt…
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..." Said The Who.

One historical thing we must observe is the fact that people rushed in mass to vote, and that's a good thing, apathy was defeated, it means people want change, and they are capable of achieve something together, the attitude is there, but we must learn to analyze coldly each candidate, we MUST study them and establish clearly the reasons for our vote, not to let anger or frustration dictate over our decisions.

I agree that we are reaching a major development in civil participation, not exactly civil maturity, we are learning to use mass force and strength, but we are obliged to use both wisely, decide with our BRAINS, not with our BALLS (for god´s sake!), as Jaime Rodriguez likes to say: "Con Huevos", balls or "huevos" as you wish to call them, they don't think, and for us, men, they can get us in big trouble.

Rodriguez might be more accurate if he had use the term “Primavera Bronca”or “Angry Spring”, because the events that led to his triumph are not exactly wise decisions, but angered and desperate ones, and both of these are not good advisers in any way, to awaken the “Mexico Bronco”, or “Angry México” is not a wise thing to don in these times, we need a Responsible, Educated and Informed México to wake up.

For us “Mexican Spring” must mean not independent candidates, not civil candidates, not partidocracia (despot rule by parties) end, but people better reasoning for choosing their government and assume responsibilities not expecting a "caudillo" or hero to come and solve our problems as our parents did when we were kids, we must create strong institutions and believe in them, not in single men (like populist love us to do), otherwise we can see the populist and authoritarian governments of Russia, Greece or Venezuela as the future of our democracy still in process of blossoming, people believed that when PAN candidate Vicente Fox became president he would save us all, people believed that it was just a matter of voting and handled the decisions to Fox, not many good things came out of that.

So in answer to Rodriguez, it's not a matter of heroes, is a matter of societies assuming responsibilities and the use of civil force not only to choose well their representatives, but asking them for good results and otherwise asking them to step out of their position if they are not capable enough of serving the country, the “Mexican Spring” today is a myth and perhaps a pretty promise, but what we expect and need these days are results, agreements and achievements, good ones.


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