The Populist Deception

The Populist Deception

By: Erreh Svaia

Caprine Dispersion

Populists, whether left or right wing, come to power because they know how to agitate society's annoyance, it is easy to manipulate someone blinded by anger and to feed this discomfort with an even more dramatic version of reality, it is easy to establish a scathing criticism against the errors of the ruling party when it is outside of this one, this is how the "modern populist" chapter was inaugurated by Syriza in Greece with the candidate Alexis Tsipras, presented as a radical party determined to break with the agreements previously established with the European Union, denying the payment of the debt and even threatening to leave the country of the EU, for Syriza, its main campaign banner was the "corruption" of the traditional political parties, this was how this "radical left" party came to power, even with a finance minister close to a rock star who would face from an intellectual angle the Euro delegates, the weight reality was felt quickly, the fragility of the radical proposals came down in record time, while Tsipras, elected president ran a referendum on the agreements with the European Union, "armed" with the popular support he demanded to face to the EU, Tsipras chose to quickly align with the Union's mandates, "negotiating" even worse agreements and commitments harder than the previous ones for Greece, as they were now in power, the promises were already left over, even the "star" minister lasted little in his post, he was quickly "pulled out of the play".

In Mexico, Morena came to power with a strategy similar to that of Syriza, the flag of "anti-corruption", the fight against "neoliberalism" (another flag shared with Syriza) and the search for a "fairer" relationship with the abusive businessmen and with the US, among other "winning" promises of Morena, there was talk of the withdrawal of the army from the streets and the reduction in the price of gasolines, again, the populist deception was over once Morena was able to arrive to power, while canceling the project of a new International Airport (perceived as a symbol of the previous government, and of globalization, in short, our national "Brexit"), after a defective referendum, the heavy costs caused for the sake of the investors, they were quickly "negotiated", quickly becoming a modern version of the so-called "FOBAPROA", another of the populist flags that denounced the "FOBAPROA" (an instrument to rescue debtors, which included large, medium and small businessmen, as well as peasants) as a corrupt plan to transfer a private debt of corrupt businessmen and make it public, that is, to be paid by the citizenship, well, in less than 30 days, the Morena government transferred the debt for the damages in breach of contracts to public debt, that is, the society will be paying the cost of a badly planned decision for 20 years, in case this was not enough, the strong criticism of Morena as opposition to the use of the army in the streets to fight insecurity, now as a government has become the need to deepen militarization, "since it is the only way to combat insecurity", the strong criticism to the adjustments in the oil prices that Morena outlined as an opposition and that will not revert and that now will disguise them as "inflationary adjustments", in campaign the now Mr. President and then candidate for Morena pointed out that Mexico today would not pay the wall, but now it will allocate even more resources to development programs in Central America and will receive all the deportees from the US regardless of nationality, the cost we will pay will be greater, the "wall" will be virtual, the whole Mexico will be the “wall”.

Most recent news on the "great populist deception", as the Italian populist coalition government formed by the parties of the Five Star Movement and the League announce the rescue of Carige Bank, once again transferring a private debt to society, paradoxically the FSM for years attacked the previous governments strongly criticizing the bank rescues, this time, now in power, the populists did not think long before making the rescue, it is easy to criticize the power, when not these in power, now the populists who attacked so much government by rescues to banks like Veneto or Popolare di Vicenza, apply exactly the same measures, the populist deception sooner or later comes to light, in view of the speed of our modern reality, the deception is quickly revealing, this is the reality , ends up putting us all in our place and revealing who we really are.


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