A Terrible Message

A Terrible Message

By: Erreh Svaia

Caprine Dispersion

Impunity is defined as the exception or escape to a punishment or sanction for a crime or misconduct committed, in Mexico, I affirm that more than thinking about how to fight against corruption and insecurity, we must fight against impunity, talking about moral quality is beautiful, attractive and even romantic, but equally idealistic and even naive, it is worth having moral quality, of course, it is necessary to have it, but we cannot leave everything to that personal quality, it also requires an adequate system of justice and legality to be sure that between the human virtues and a legal framework we have the system that we all want to materialize in our country.

On one hand, it is extremely incongruous for me that Andrés López, president-elect of Mexico, talks to us about his "loving republic", about a "moral constitution", about the "hope of a change" and about a "national regeneration", "of a frontal combat and zero tolerance for corruption through honesty ", and a" punishment to the mafia of power ", extolling the so-called “good and wise people", when what we have seen materialize is completely contrary to his speech, of the Bartlett case we have already talked about, its obscure presence in governments of the "old PRI" that was called left, and its presence in the governments of the "right-wing PRI" that emerged in 1982, involved in controversial cases of murder, torture, censorship of media, among others, make it impossible to defend the figure of a character who has been present in not one, but in many dark episodes of the country.

Bartlett, we have written a lot, time will tell if we will suffer a rewriting of the past, turning a villain into a hero, abusing the short memory of society, but not only that concerns us in these moments, in which the worst of the called "Deep State" begins to take force and seize the administration of the new president-elect, since with Bartlett is represented “Salinism”, the "old PRI" and the "Mafia of Power", to which the represented conflict of interests is added by business, the oligarchy, that circle of power exercised from the private initiative that seeks a favorable position to promote their business through complicity with the government in turn, we saw it recently in Nicaragua, today we see it in Mexico figures like Alfonso Romo and Carlos Slim pushing behind the scenes and from the shadows the project of Lopez, today take the baton and openly join the project, Romo, businessman widely favored in the government  of Carlos Salinas and Vicente Fox, favored by Fobaproa, part of the global machinery of the transnational Monsanto, developer of the so-called transgenics, in other words, and admirer of ultra-right governments such as Álvaro Uribe in Colombia and the disappeared dictatorship Augusto Pinochet in Chile, if the "neoliberalism" existed, Romo, main figure also in a local university (also he will surely be the most benefited figure by López plan project of planting thousands of fruit trees in order to supposedly create jobs on the countryside) , could serve as an example, and not only Romo, there is also Carlos Slim, the oligarch par excellence, once the most rich of the world, widely favored by "neoliberalism" (if it existed) and by its proximity to the “Salinist” power, it is not bad to suspect when considering that the economic power of Romo or Slim have been strong levers in the Lopez's advance towards the presidency, only Slim easily and with his empire of constructors, telecommunications and other items would be a determining factor within the “factual powers” that move the country.

But what is a populist government, without its agitated and exalted masses? And what better "puppeteer" than a René Bejarano, the so-called "Lord of the rubber bands"? That man caught on video filling his pockets with bills from a bribe and today, again, that cruel rewrite that abuses our short memory places him as a reborn, as a man who has paid his faults and deserves a second chance, we are not talking about mere gossip or rumors, but of images in which Bejarano was caught in the act, of accusations in national television that Bejarano did not know how to defend, of a condemnation used as a "screen" that today serves so that many can forgive him from his actions, mentioning that Bejarano "has already paid his faults", that is, his guilt is recognized, and it is assumed that he has paid for his faults or crimes, although the impunity that we must fight so much, becomes a central issue regarding the figure of Bejarano, if we value honesty and moral quality within the public service, why is it allowed to rehabilitate a "white collar" criminal? Why is not this proven corrupt official disqualified for life? Why, instead of setting the example of this policy of zero tolerance for corruption, is the example set that after a season in the shade (which look more like a vacation) can you commit a crime again? Why is resource management assigned to a man who stuffed his suit pockets with bad money? Why is the so-called "political death" not applied to these amoral figures that serve as an example of the fight against impunity in the public service? Giving the equivalent power to a governor, to a character of dubious moral quality and honesty is not a good message, neither for the country nor for the world, sending the "Lord of the rubber bands" to the big leagues is a serious error, or a disastrous machination.

The answer is simple, both Bejarano and his wife Dolores Padierna have carried out long careers agitating and using popular masses, impossible to believe those trips to the Forum of Sao Paulo to give themselves socialist airs when in fact their ideology is patronage, using the popular protest to control and generate groups of shock, Bejarano is called again to the circle close to Lopez to handle the resources to be given to the federal delegates of the party soon to be in power that are tried to be imposed in each one of the states, it seems that these characters come out of the shadows of the darkest syndicalism have been called again for the construction of one of the largest clientelist networks that we will have seen in recent years, a control network that will spread throughout the country and that will serve both to control, reinforce and could be to suppress public opinion, the so-called change is not seen as an advance, but as a step backwards to the same times as the old PRI.


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