To Debate

To Debate

By: Erreh Svaia

Caprine Dispersion

Two issues that tend to cause controversy today and are now sold as part of the offer of a progressive left wing to the world, which could become itself in debate issues precisely between that already mentioned left wing called “progressive”, classical liberalism and the so-called libertarianism, which seemed together to seem to draw again three parts of the ideological spectrum (one left, one center and one right), abortion and the legalization of drugs; Abortion, a subject that constantly causes noise in the social networks and in the public debate, a topic that sometimes its discussion takes beyond a social scope, a family environment and is carried directly to the streets in a "political" environment, pushed by a left wing whose discourse has already left decades behind the discourse on the proletariat and has "adopted" the banners of environmentalism, the legalization of drugs, marriage between individuals of the same sex and gender identity, under the premise that "all that is personal is political".

Argentina just a few days ago, amendments to the abortion law dating from 1921 were rejected, in what seems to be a defeat for feminism and the progressive left, in a discussion that insists on being taken to a political sphere for the purpose of manipulation, a speech that tries to get the man out of the debate and that some groups of women intend to carry it out as a political booty of their own, on abortion, a serious debate is necessary, with its corresponding medical, scientific and legal backing by both parties, for and against, but not take the moral aspect of the play, which tells us that the abortion should be available in necessary cases, where there is a risk to the mother, the product is affected and may involve a life short or long immersed in suffering, as well as an act of violence against the will of women in which there is a pregnancy, outside these aspects, the laws in favor of abortion doesn´t force anyone to do it, they should give the freedom and adequate support and protection to carry it out under the circumstances described, never be a justification for irresponsibility or debauchery, in adolescent pregnancy, whose statistics grow in Mexico, the responsibility of parents of the adolescent couple must be demanded, the responsibility of the father who does not face his responsibility and abandons the woman, the responsibility of the couple who does not take the necessary care, the responsibility of those who are already in this world, not of those who are about to arrive, while extreme feminist groups point out that the decision is theirs for being "their body", considerations of a life outside their body should raise the discussion about contraceptive methods in men and women and sterilization methods that prevent the formation of life.

The legalization of drugs seems to be the response to the violence of drug trafficking groups present in the country, the possibility of putting that black market "in the light" and under control like any other business seems to be the ideal option for many, but are we talking about legalizing soft drugs like marijuana, or are we also talking about legalizing hard drugs, such as cocaine or heroin? Is our health system prepared to take care of possible health emergencies in the face of excess consumption or possible addictions to be generated? Is infrastructure available as in other more developed countries for the registration, supply and treatment of users? Is the legal system ready to give addict treatment and not drug traffic to users? Only a few years ago (2013) the progressive left praised José Mújica (an icon to the left wing) for his decision to legalize the consumption of marijuana in Uruguay, apparently the control in distribution and administration through pharmacies has not been adequate, and has opened the doors to an increasing massive consumption and a demand that must be satisfied, opening the doors of the black market, which until recently was tiny in this small country "the Switzerland" of South America, it is said that drugs like marijuana are the door to other harder narcotics, and the consequences have been palpable in a new market of synthetic drugs (out of the reach of the government) that arise in this small country, I agree that the user should not be treated as a trafficker, that the use of drugs should be the responsibility only of the user, but in countries like Mexico, in which alcohol still wreaks havoc, we should consider if we have the right system before proceeding with the issue of "liberating", it is very nice to pretend that we are a "developed" country, but do we really have the structure to support it? Will Portugal, which has undertaken similar measures regarding drugs, be prepared or will it suffer the consequences of a lack of vision in the face of such a decision?


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