A High Tech "Bukake"

A High Tech "Bukake"

By: Erreh Svaia

Caprine Dispersion

The application on the face of cells from the prepuce of newborn Korean babies is the kind of thing that sounds like a satanic cult hidden in the basement of a pizza restaurant in Washington DC, and yet, no, we're not talking about the fraudulent "Pizzagate" that involved Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories, in pizza restaurants that did not even have a basement and whose sole purpose was to cheat ignorant and create false rumors on the way to the presidential elections in the US, which Trump finally won, and which is something that generates even more panic for some.

But yes, the application of cells from the prepuce of newborns in South Korea seems to be the new great fashion among enthusiasts of anti-aging treatments, mainly characters of the "star-system" in Hollywood, let's talk about people like Cate Blanchett, Sandra Bullock or Kate Beckinsale who have already tried the treatment and who have found in those cells extracted and then cloned and injected in the face in order to generate a kind of cellular regeneration in order to eliminate the aging process a desperate measure to stay in that perpetual search for "eternal youth," even if it is only superficial and not something more serious as the profound investigations of people like Aubrey de Gray or Ray Kurtzweil, who actually seek a path to immortality.

Perhaps that search for superficial "youth" has begun to get too far, at least in the beauty industry, the process known as Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) involves the creation of a serum derived from the fibrous cells of the circumcised foreskin of newborn babies, later the liquid is injected into the skin of the face, something like talking about a liquid produced from several penises (or part of) and emptied onto the face of the patient, the truth sounds like something as well as Bukake (splashing), a mysterious form of Japanese punishment applied to women who committed infidelity, and whose twisted version has been adopted by the pornography industry.

Numerous myths about the industry of beauty treatments and newborns have been generated over time, macabre stories about huge trailers containers of frozen fetuses abandoned on the road intended to be delivered to companies that manufacture beauty products abound in the internet , and the FCE somehow manages to reinforce this myth, the powerful cells containing the Hormonal Growth Factor continue to be the "panacea" of the industry, curiously an industry focused mainly on women, future and current mothers, it is even more Paradoxical use products supposedly generators of collagen and elastin derived from newborn cells in the face while your newborn baby caresses your face, quite bizarre at a price of approximately 650 or 700 dollars per application, of course, after waiting two years on the waiting list for treatment.

It seems that more than gold, what shines in the minds of those enthusiasts of superficial "eternal youth" is the growth hormone, the one that makes us grow at surprising speeds during our first years of life, the one that has circulated for years in the gyms for those enthusiasts who seek to take their bodies to a level beyond human normal, in the end, when we talk about these treatments in the beauty industry we see more a sad play in which fantasy is put at front, and the inevitable reality is still waiting for us all behind the scenes, since even those cells will not be able to avoid the true passage of time.

While the percentage of circumcised babies decreases in the world, the cost of treatment continues to rise, bringing to the table legal and ethical implications for its development, considering the increasingly smaller amount of raw material, the legal origin of it ( believes that many of these foreskins existing in the world are illegally extracted from Africa, are the original owners of such foreskins properly rewarded economically?) and the possibility that instead of being used for vanity purposes, they could be used with more momentum in the medical industry of skin regeneration in victims of burns and other skin affectations.


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