Back to the Cage

Back to the Cage

By: Erreh Svaia

Fast Ball

The president of the PRI resigned his position, the members of the party demand a greater internal democracy; the president of the PAN resigns to its position, the members of the party demand a greater internal democracy, some years ago there were several resignations in the presidency of the PRD, the members of the party demanded a greater democracy with the purpose of leaving behind the “caudillista” past of the party, as the PRD became more "democratic" (with an external auditing firm supervising the internal processes), it began to lose strength.

Morena with a president, caudillo, candidate (since before the party existed), official spokesperson, and owner of it, all in one person, reached the triumph in the most recent elections.


The Mexican returns with pleasure to the "Cage of Melancholy" that Roger Barta pointed out
Better the security of authoritarianism and hegemony than the uncertainty that comes with freedom.

"Even if the cage is made of gold, it is still a prison ..."


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