Food Trends Towards the Future

Food Trends Towards the Future

By: Erreh Svaia

Caprine Dispersion

Just 5 or 6 years ago, the trend in Mexico regarding food was towards meals prepared in restaurants, companies like Alsea seemed to be the future of the food industry favored by an audience that relies on the so-called "Mexican Moment", "Embraced" the modernity and the apparent prosperity, which left the kitchen and even the "superstores" in favor of fast food restaurants (even FEMSA wanted to enter the trend although in a very late manner), but after the illusion of "Mexican Moment" that never happened as announced, the future seems to change and give other signals that have been sending other types of signals, a paradoxical taste for global food, that is, the steady growth of oriental food restaurants, that seems to be gaining ground to the typically Mexican food restaurants, which in turn goes hand in hand with the purchase of products for preparation in corner shops, which are now armed with all kinds of exotic products (many of them acquired through the internet) and specialties that begin to give a strong advantage over large self-service superstores that move slowly, at the pace of elephants and hesitant to leave the old scheme of our parents (or caught by the transnationals who refuse to change the model easily), youth begins to abandon traditional foods and begins to prefer other types of ingredients, an inspiration from global cuisine, and a sudden taste for preparing homemade food again begins to put in check not only the prepared food industry, but also that of traditional fast food restaurants (chains such as McDonalds or Burger King have already strongly resented this attack).

Less meat dictates the trend, the shortage in the production of beef for the national market, and the attractive prices paid for it in foreign markets are taking away these products from the large public, and begin to turn towards pork (with China as the owner of the main producers in the US and Mexico) or chicken, although the somewhat questionable practices of some producers have begun to diminish the popularity of meat in such a way that the future does not look good for this industry, increasingly caught between the trends of society towards healthier foods and the increasingly high prices of raw materials seem to put in between the future of the meat industry, the future indicates less meat, and possibly others that they are yielding to these tendencies be the grains, the cereals, those that for a long time have governed global economies seem to be yielding strength, the corn, the wheat, the sorghum, the soya (hence the US and China have sought at all costs the supremacy in the production of these) as they begin to lose their charm, diets that demand less carbohydrates for the overstimulation of insulin (and as a result the over consumption of calories ) begin to become the norm, and it seems that other foods such as fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts began to prevail among the preferences of the general public, as well as the growth in the consumption of insects as a great source of low-fat protein.

Possibly the biggest change that will come will be the decline of processed flours and sugar, which little by little, but will constantly lose strength among the consumer, sugary drinks and soft drinks will disappear in the face of greater awareness regarding the wave of diabetes and overweight, which have been detrimental to the health of the population, carrying large costs to the public health sector and that is largely due to the consumption of these beverages that provide a large number of calories, many of them ingested almost imperceptible to human, the time will come when the human being will leave many of the beige foods (cookies, flours, drinks, sugar) for the color of fruits and vegetables in a better balance with the meats, a decrease in cereals (which have been spread largely thanks to the added sugar) in favor of seeds and nuts, and even insects, the future is already here, and the problem also, it is urgent to do something about it.


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